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Members of the Cub Scout Pack 3523 and Scouts BSA Troop have been working hard to meet their 2020 fundraising goal of $25,000. The fundraising efforts will include a popcorn stand scheduled in the Wheat Montana Parking lot on Saturday, October 17 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
According to Cubmaster Jason Kovnesky, they are currently at $12,482, just under 50 percent of their goal. With the event scheduled for Saturday and one earlier this month at Three Forks Market, Kovnesky said money generated from popcorn sales is very important to program operations and this is where they get about 32 percent of total sales.
"For us this year, if we hit our goal, that means $8,000. We would like this to be our only fundraiser this year so that we can focus on programs and activities of the scouting program," he said.
The scout will be taking orders for Trails End Popcorn which can be shipped anywhere in the United States. Orders over $30 enjoy free shipping while there is a minimal shipping fee on lesser orders. Local residents are encouraged to pay by credit card, but cash and checks will be accepted from local customers. In-person delivery in the Three Forks/Manhattan area is also available if needed. The sale will end on October 18.
Kovnesky added the only other source of revenue for the program, besides the occasional donation, are membership fees that are $120/year,
"Our troop and pack are one of the few in the Montana Council whose fees are all-inclusive meaning there are no additional costs for uniforms, materials, activities. etc. Basically, if a scout sells popcorn (we encourage at least $600 per scout) every activity (including summer camp) and all they will need to succeed (uniform, books, awards) are paid for. This is why fundraising is so important to the pack," he said.
Getting new members is also huge for the scouts.
"We had and continue to have a very successful recruiting season. To date, we have had 18 new cub scouts sign up to join our existing 12 in the pack. We have 5 scouts in the troop, four of which just crossed over from the pack," he said.
Those interested in joining are encouraged to stop by weekly Monday night meetings at 6:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church Annex or they can go visit the website to get more information and find the link to sign-up online. Cub Scouts is available for girls and boys kindergarten age through fifth grade while Scouts BSA is available or boys age 11 through 18.
"We are a very active pack and troop. In addition to our weekly meetings and monthly award ceremonies scouts typically participate in at least major activity a month. This year's program will include an aquatics night; a shooting sports day; the pinewood derby, Scout Week and related food drive; a Museum of the Rockies Day, and Cub Scout Day Camp. Additionally, our Webelos (4th & 5th) graders participate in an outdoor activity each month and a 3-day camp next summer. Our Boy Scouts spend at least one weekend a month in the outdoors and will go to a week-long summer camp in July 2021 all the while working toward rank advancement and doing service projects," Kovnesky said. "Our pack has been recognized as a gold level pack for the past three years and leaders are working on becoming 100% trained. Our pack is fortunate to have great parent support, a dedicate team of volunteer parent leaders, and amazing community support from our sponsor the Three Forks United Methodist Church, and local businesses like the Three Forks Market and Wheat Montana who have allowed us to do our parking lot popcorn sales so that our scouts did not have to spend a lot of time going door-to-door amidst COVID concerns."
Those interested can also purchase popcorn on the scout website.
For more information about the popcorn sale or joining our great scouting programs, please contact Cubmaster Jason Kovnesky at 406-579-5409 or [email protected].