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Sheriff discusses wrong-way drivers

At a press conference last week, Gallatin County Sheriff Dan Springer addressed the recent uptick in wrong-way drivers on Interstate 90.

Springer reported that between 2019 and 2022, an average of 9.5 incidents were reported per year on the I-90 corridor in Gallatin County. Springer said in 2023, 24 incidents were reported, a 152% increase from the previous years, with four of the five drivers contacted by law enforcement being arrested for DUI.

So far, in 2024, there have been 17 reports of wrong-way drivers, with three of the four contacted arrested for DUI. The disturbing recent string of incidents turned fatal on January 4 when 22-year-old Laysa Grewell was killed following a head-on collision with a wrong-way driver at mile marker 278 just outside of Three Forks.

"The numbers are staggering when you start looking at where we are from 2022," Springer said.

With the community growing, Springer said they are emphasizing trying to save lives on the Interstate. The Gallatin County Sheriff's Office implemented an emergency response protocol in January. In the event of a wrong-way driver being reported, deputies have specific tasks to safely divert oncoming traffic off the Interstate, follow the wrong-way driver, and coordinate with other units and partner agencies.

Since the protocol was implemented, the Sheriff's Office reported that one wrong-way driver was disabled after a successful stop-stick deployment. In a second incident, deputies deployed accordingly, but the wrong-way driver self-corrected and was not contacted.

Joined at the press conference by members of the Montana Highway Patrol, Bozeman Police Department, Gallatin County 911, and Montana Department of Transportation, Springer said there has been training throughout all the agencies that help put law enforcement in a position to have someone understand what they are trying to do ahead and behind them.

Springer also discussed the importance of enforcing DUIs and holding people accountable for small crimes so they don't commit big crimes. He said that is why they get DUIs off the road, and those committing the crime need to get educated on what they've done. Springer added that if the person arrested has a drinking problem, they can get some help, adding that it also gets them off the road that night, so they don't hurt someone.

Regarding safety for those traveling on the Interstate, Springer said to stay in the right-hand lane and not pass vehicles if you cannot see what's ahead of you, including on curves and rises.

"Typically, what we see with these wrong-way drivers is they may be intoxicated, but they are driving on what they think is the right-hand side of the roadway," Springer said.

If a driver encounters someone going the wrong way, Springer said to make sure to get off the side of the road and call 911 to let law enforcement know what is happening.

During the press conference, Springer discussed the new nine wrong-way sign systems with radar detection recently placed between exit 274 in Three Forks and North 7th Avenue in Bozeman.

Springer said they have already seen those signs work, and hopefully, that trend will continue. Since the signs were placed, Springer said they have not contacted any wrong-way drivers on the Interstate.

Springer said they do not know why there has been an increase in wrong-way drivers, and they have seen Blood Alcohol Contents as high as .319 and .202, which raises concerns about overserving.

He added that as part of the investigation, they are trying to determine where people are coming from and what they were doing before the event.

Springer said they recognize that what they have done so far is just the beginning, and the next step is to get committees together to see what else can be done on the Interstate.

According to Springer, the Montana Department of Criminal Investigation, Gallatin County DUI Task Force, MADD, Cedar Creek Integrated Health, Southwest Montana Prevention, and Greater Impact have been great and helpful in assisting them.

He added they have also discussed a possible ad campaign to address the issue.

"We've got to stop these wrong-way drivers. We recognize that it's a significant impact to this community. And our goal is to reduce those to zero," he said.


According to Traffic Design Engineer Tyrel Murfitt, MDT had a statewide project several years ago that included wrong-way signage and other compliant traffic control devices on interstate ramps to try and control wrong-way drivers. He said the new signs in the Three Forks area are Phase 2 of the project that was recently accelerated after the Bozeman and Missoula areas were identified as needing enhanced wrong-way driving features.

As the Montana Highway Safety Improvement Program was developing the Missoula area, Murfitt said the data showed this was a priority at the time. However, with the recent incidents, the maintenance department has stepped up to install these local wrong-way driving features sooner.

Murfitt described the main system of the new signage as "gated."

"Which means there will be one sign on each side of the ramp, one on the right and one on the left. They will contain a wrong way sign that will be red, and it has a pair of 12-inch diameter LED lights mounted one above and one below the sign. And it has a radar detection system, so when it detects a car going in the wrong direction on the ramp, it will activate the lights in a flashing pattern. So, essentially, when the system activates, you will see four flashing lights, two on each side of the roadway," said Murfitt. "Right now, in the Bozeman area, starting at the west Three Forks interchange at exit 274, we will install one pair. Each system consists of a pair. So were going to put one system on exit 274. The Manhattan Interchange will get a system for each exit ramp. The Belgrade/Amsterdam Road interchange will get a wrong-way system at the eastbound exit ramp over by the Town Pump, and we are going to put one on the westbound exit ramp coming in the other direction. Then, at N. 19th and N. 7th, we are going to get one for each exit ramp. So, we're able to install nine different systems. That's what we were able to acquire in a short time frame. And working with law enforcement, the MHP Captain, and Gallatin County and Broadwater County Sheriff, those were identified as the highest priority for now."

Murfitt said that based on national research, an approximately 35 to 40% crash reduction is anticipated, but wrong-way driving can be very difficult to verify statistics, and local conditions will factor into the effectiveness of the systems.

"A lot of times, people will self-correct. The system activates, and they are able to self-correct and get turned around before they get on the interstate, he said.

Looking towards the future, Murfitt said that MDT is continuing to examine the area. He said they have other installations later but wanted to get these new systems in as soon as possible.

"My contacts with law enforcement have been very positive, and they are very happy with MDT's response. Their biggest contribution was information, which was key to identifying where these systems should go on the first go-around," Murfitt said.


Alexander Norbert LeDoux is facing eight charges in connection with the January 4 death of Grewell following a two-vehicle crash at Interstate 90 eastbound mile marker 278 near Three Forks.

LeDoux has been charged with Vehicular Homicide While Under the Influence, Fleeing and Eluding Causing the Death of Another, and six counts of Criminal Endangerment.

LeDoux allegedly drove his vehicle in the wrong direction on the Interstate for approximately 20 miles. According to the documents, following a blood test taken over 70 minutes after the fatal head-on collision, the toxicology report indicated LeDoux had a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of .198, well over twice the legal limit of .08.

The documents also reveal that LeDoux drove 108 mph near Manhattan for most of the unsent 2-minute Snapchat video on his phone.

According to former Montana Highway Patrol Sergeant Jay Nelson, the last thing any motoring public thinks about driving down the Interstate is somebody coming the wrong way, and that consequence can be deadly.

"We've tragically lost the life of one individual, and that potential is there each and every time one of these calls comes out," said Nelson. "Every time we get these calls, we take them extremely serious trying to get troopers in a position to be able to intercept these vehicles. We also have several different things that hinder us with that. We would have to try and go into the wrong lane of travel to intercept or warn them, and that can be extremely dangerous for first responders."

For Nelson, this is an issue he said is becoming far too regular.

"We've lost a life out of this, and each and every one of these calls that comes in makes you definitely concerned because it could end tragically again," he said.

Within the past several months, wrong-way drivers have caused a great deal of concern for area residents traveling on Interstate 90.

The alarming recent string of wrong-way incidents started in late November of 2023 when Andres Mejia-Ocampo was arrested and later charged with 37 counts of criminal endangerment, driving under the influence, and unauthorized use of a vehicle after driving the wrong way on Interstate 90 between Belgrade and Bozeman.

In early December, Jose Paul Yanez Almeida was arrested for allegedly driving westbound in the eastbound lanes of I-90 in Bozeman.

In early February, Amilcar Ajsivinac Queche was arrested for allegedly driving in the wrong direction near Manhattan and charged with four counts of criminal endangerment, driving without a valid license, proof of insurance, and unlawful possession of an open alcoholic beverage.

The Broadwater County Sheriff's Office has also recently dealt with wrong-way drivers.

"We have arrested two driving under the influence drivers who attempted to get on the Interstate the wrong way. Luckily, we were at the right spot at the right time to catch them before anything tragic happened," Sheriff Nick Rauser said.

According to Rauser, Broadwater County only has a short portion of Interstate 90, but when someone gets on the wrong way in another county, they usually get a call about the driver.

"I would say there has been an increase in these incidents in the last couple of years. I'm not sure why he is happening, however," he said.

Rauser feels the new signage is a step in the right direction to remedy the issue.

He said that talking to the MDT, he is impressed they can get the ball rolling on the issue promptly.

"Usually, these things take years to get done. I don't know if there is a right answer to the problem. I do think the new signage is a right step and hopefully that helps. If it doesn't, at least we can say that we tried and that and it didn't work and work towards a different plan," Rauser said.

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